Does Blogging Really Help?
We hear it all the time, that blogs are old school or are dying out. We are here to tell you how wrong those ideas are. Blogs aren’t dead and far from it. While blogging isn’t a new concept, the strategies to disburse content have evolved. Blogging is important for so many reasons. We also understand how many business owners may believe a blog is passé or not relevant to their business. We have seen firsthand the benefits of blogging for the small businesses we work with.
Driving Traffic to Your Website
Blogs, or content marketing, is one of many channels to help drive traffic to your business. With any new content on a website, the search engines index it. This can help to drive traffic through various keywords that may not have prevalence on other pages. It also shows the search engines that you are updating your website with new information for your customers, which search engines like. If you think about it, most pages on your website do not get updated with a lot of information or content. But, a blog allows you to do just this. Blogs are also highly shareable content on social media. Thus, again helping attract new and returning visitors to your website.
Establishes Your Authority
Creating new content and driving more traffic leads to more opportunities for your company to convert visitors to leads. In addition, by being active on your website, Google and other search engines will check your website more frequently. The benefit of Google and other search engines checking on your website is crucial. Search engines will rank your company website higher in search, by separating the nonactive sites and the active sites. As you might have guessed, the more blog posts you have, the more chances you have to rank for various keywords.
A blog is one of the best ways to build yourself or your brand as an expert in the field. If you are consistently creating content that’s relevant to your target customer, it will solidify your authority within the industry. The key to creating content is to make new, unique information for your customers. Whether that is telling your brand story, sharing information about new product releases, or honing in on a niche topic, it is important to get your voice out to your customers. The more they engage, the more you are viewed as the subject expert by your clients and search engines. Although establishing authority doesn’t have an exact measurement, like traffic or leads, it still impacts your business and can drive conversions.
Long-Term Results
Unlike an email, commercials, or other marketing channels, blogs stay on your site. Your blog posts can continue to get indexed, consumed and shared, even months after your original post. Your blog has the potential to get traffic and leads to your website for days, weeks, months, and years to come. So, if you think that your blog posts aren’t helping with your business, it’s quite the contrary. The effort you put into your blog yesterday is an investment in your business tomorrow. While you might not see immediate results, over time, you’ll be able to count on a predictable amount of traffic.
Support Your Other Marketing Channels
Blogs are also an excellent way to boost your social media presence. Not only are they highly shareable content, but it is also the perfect channel to disperse your blog. It is also important to link social posts back to your website, and this is a great way to achieve that. As you share your blogs on social media, you can increase traffic to your website.
Furthermore, blogs provide content for email newsletters. If you have email marketing, you might struggle with content ideas. Having a blog article in your email that links back to your website is a great way for people to read more about your company. Content is the message but a platform should provide visibility, it should amplify your voice, and it should be engaging with others.
If your only hesitation is what to write about, we can help. So, if you’re looking to start a business blog or get more investment for the one you’ve already started, then you are right on track. If you’d like to talk more about the benefits of blogging for your business, and how to increase traffic to your website by blogging, then contact us today!